Rules for a Perfect Pitch.

Well, I’m a perfectionist. To me, the Perfect Pitch is what we’re aiming for without ever getting there -because a pitch can always be improved. There are countless methodologies, schools of thought and beliefs about what it should absolutely include, what should be avoided at all costs and how it has to be delivered.
In my opinion, relying too much on rules is like looking at the fingers pointing at the moon when someone is trying to show you the moon. Over the years, I witnessed amazing results being delivered with horribly designed presentations, people jumping on board poorly presented projects, and sales being closed using extraordinarily long presentations or no presentation at all!
Does it mean that there are no rules? No. It simply means that rules are constantly changing, depending on the context, the presenter and the audience. The horribly designed presentation was from a knowledgeable scientist who seemed to have discovered something amazing and the poorly presented project was from a person dearly trusted by the audience.
So, in any case, if there is such a thing as a perfect pitch, it’s not only related to its form, but to the quality of the relationships it helps create or maintain between the presenter and the members of the audience. Feeding those relationships is the main purpose of your presentation.
The question is: What is required to fuel those relationships? -here's a tip: the answer is usually related to an emotional state.
For example, think about transparency, patience, respect, empathy, communication, appreciation, authenticity. I'm a strong believer true success comes when we shift our attention from ourselves to others.
If you found your answer, you are ready to begin and walk the path toward the Perfect Pitch. Your answer will help build a vision for your pitch!
Perfect Pitch